New Online Registration
Over the last year, we’ve listened carefully to your feedback regarding our registration software and we’re happy to say that we have partnered with the highly rated Eleyo registration software. Eleyo will offer us easier to use, reliable, safe and convenient online registration software beginning with our fall registration on August 20. We’re confident that this new software will improve the way we interact by providing you with a simple way to get instant access to your registration history, class information, payment history and more.
The first step for each of our customers is to
create an account profile. Even if you’ve participated with us in the past, a new account profile is required.
Please follow these 5 easy steps to set up your account. You can use your computer, smartphone or table to set up a profile. Once you’ve set up the parent account, please set up additional family members.
Click here to download account set up instructions.Setting Up Your Account Profile in 5 Easy Steps1. Access the new site by browsing to:
https://orangerec.ce.eleyo.com2. Select
Sign In at the top right of the screen to begin creating your profile.
3. To create a new profile with Facebook or Google, select that Sign In button -or- select Create One Now.
4. When create an account opens within the system, you will be required to enter your basic contact information including an email address (used for logging in), home address, birthdate and a password. If your email address is recognized, use the Send Forgot Password Email to receive a password reset email.
5. Once logged in, select the Explore all Programs link, select the program link you are interested in registering. Course information will be available beginning August 20.
To add a family member:
1. Browse to and login.
2. Select your name at the top of the screen and select Your Account / Relationships.
3. Use the Add Relationship button to add additional family members. PLEASE NOTE: When adding a child who is Pre-K, you must select the Grade = K and then select the School Year the student will enter Kindergarten.
Easy Steps to Register
1. If you haven't set up your account, follow the steps above. Otherwise, click here and
Sign In.2. Select Explore all Programs at the top right, look through our course offering. When you find your course, Enroll Now.
3. Choose the family member you would like to register for the program.
4. Follow the check out process to enroll each student in the program.
To Manage Your Account
2. Click Explore All Programs > My Dashboard > Select Your Account
3. You'll be able to see all account activity for all members of your account.