Frequently Asked Questions

Voice Recognition

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register?
Registering for a class, activity or event is easy! simply visit on our online registration portal at  It's fast, easy, convenient and secure! We also accept registration by phone, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm, at (216) 831-8601. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, cash and checks.

How can I find out about classes and activities being offered by Orange Community Education & Recreation?

View our Recreation Guide here to learn about offerings for each season. A printed recreation guide is also published in early August, late November and early spring and is mailed to all homes in the greater Orange district. The Recreation Guide is also distributed at convenient public and retail locations throughout the community. Press releases and announcements about classes and events are routinely placed in the local newspapers. And, you can always call Orange Community Education & Recreation at (216) 831-8601, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm and talk to any of our staff about programs and opportunities.

Where are classes, activities and events held?
Our buildings are located on the Orange Schools Campus in Pepper Pike, Ohio at 32000 Chagrin Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH  44124. Classes and activities are generally held in one of the campus facilities including the Pepper Pike Learning Center, the Orange Senior Adult Center, Orange High School, Moreland Hills Elementary School or Brady Middle School. Class locations are listed in the Recreation Guide and on the participant receipt.

Who does Orange Community Education & Recreation serve and how do I know if I am a resident?
Our classes, activities and events are open to residents and nonresidents alike. Residents are those living in the Orange School district which includes Hunting Valley, Moreland Hills, Orange , Pepper Pike, Woodmere and the small portions of Solon, Bedford Hts. and Warrensville Hts. Residents of the district enjoy priority registration and a reduced, resident rate for all programs the department offers. You are considered a resident if you live in these communities and you pay property taxes to the Orange School District, regardless of the school you attend.

As a nonresident, can I participate?
Yes! We welcome nonresidents to register and enjoy our programs too!

How is Orange Community Education & Recreation funded?
The department is funded by a five-year community education and recreation levy, and through user participation fees, grants and donations. All funds received from the recreation levy go strictly to Orange Community Education & Recreation. This levy, which must be renewed by residents every five years, provides approximately 25% of the revenue needed to operate the department. Almost 72% of the needed revenues come from participant and user fees. The department is very proactive in seeking grants, sponsorships and partnerships to help underwrite various programs and services.

In April, 2020, for the tenth consecutive time, residents resoundingly showed their recognition of the ways in which Orange Community Education and Recreation enhances the overall quality of life in our community for all ages, by passing the .95 mill recreation levy to continue community education and recreation programs in the district through 2025. THANK YOU!

Who operates Orange Community Education & Recreation?
The department operates under the auspices of the Orange Board of Education and is led by community education and recreation professionals with a combined 325 years of professional service in education, recreation or related fields. All members of the leadership team hold either a Master's or Bachelor's Degree, in addition to program specific certifications. Teachers in the Orange Early Childhood Preschool program are pre-kindergarten or kindergarten certified through the Ohio Department of Education. All staff participate in regular, on-going professional development training and opportunities.  

How does Orange Community education & Recreation communicate with participants, parents and the public?
Orange Community Education & Recreation uses printed media, social media, its website and email, text and phone communication to inform the residents of the greater Orange community about its activities, courses, events and more.
In the event of an emergency or immediate school closure or cancellation of courses, events and activities, Orange Community Education & Recreation will communicate with parents and participants via Classtag (preschool), Eleyo (registration software), text, email and/or cell phone. Parents and participants are encouraged to update their Eleyo account to reflect any changes they may experience with these important modes of communication.

I have an idea for a class or activity,  OR I have a special talent or interest and would like to teach a class through Orange Community Education & Recreation. Who do I contact?
We encourage you to share your ideas for classes and activities with the department by calling us at (216) 831-8601. We are always looking for qualified instructors and those willing to share their talents with the community. 

Does the Orange Community Education & Recreation Department offer any financial assistance to individuals who may not be able to pay for a particular class?

Yes,  Orange Community Education & Recreation’s Scholarship fund was created to help people in the greater Orange community who may need assistance to participate in recreation programs. The intent is to provide children, teens, adults and senior adults from income eligible families with the opportunity to participate in high quality, positive recreation experiences that promote physical, mental and social well-being and foster a strong sense of community. Click here for more information.

How can I request a refund? 
If you change your mind about participating in a class or activity and need to cancel, please let us know at least one week before the class begins so that we can give your spot to another person who may be on a waitlist trying to join.  Refunds will not be issued for any cancellation requests received less than one week before the start date.  

If you wish to request a refund, please contact us by calling the front desk on (216) 831-8601 or send an email to [email protected].  We aim to process refunds within 2-5 business days of receiving your request.  Refunds are electronically credited to the credit card used for payment.  Refunds for cash and check payments will be refunded in the form of a check and should be received 2-3 weeks after the refund is processed.

For summer camps, please check your summer calendar carefully when registering your child. If your schedule changes and your child will not be attending camp, the last day to request a refund or a transfer for all OCER camps is May 10, 2024. If you wish to request a refund, please contact us by calling the front desk on (216) 831-8601 or send an email to [email protected].

For events and special trips, the last day to request a refund is 30 days before your trip. Our vendors require a 30-day cancellation notice or we are charged. When this involves tickets to a show, the vendor releases any remaining tickets we had on hold and they are released to the public. Please check online or your brochure for the exact dates of your trip. The specific refund request date is listed in the trip’s activity description.

What kind of volunteer opportunities are there with the Orange Community Education & Recreation Department?
All program areas of the department need volunteer help on a regular basis and for various projects throughout the year. Volunteer opportunities include assisting with front desk and reception duties, clerical assistance, program aides and helpers and a variety of different support duties. In addition, volunteers are needed to help with the department's many special events, Safety Town, beautification projects and more. Volunteers are also recruited to serve on the Orange Community Education & Recreation Commission, on advisory councils and for other task or focus groups.  Click for a listing of our volunteer opportunities.

What kind of job opportunities are there with the Orange Community Education & Recreation Department?
Employment opportunities are available with the department including year-round and seasonal positions, as they become available. Core staff positions may have occasional vacancies and those will be advertised in the news and/or posted at the department's office sites and website. These include programming staff, early childhood teachers, support and operations staff, supervisory staff and before and after school childcare staff. Lifeguards and swim instructor positions are available year-round and summer camp directors and counselor positions are available during the summer. Class instructor positions are also available throughout the year.  Click for a listing of our current employment opportunities

What are we doing to accommodate COVID-19? 
Orange Community Education & Recreation works daily to bring the residents of the Orange School District the highest quality experiences, whether they are virtual or in-person, for children or adults. You can count on us to offer opportunities for physical activity, social connection, family fun, and personal development for all. We continue to be mindful of Covid-19 but have removed all pandemic modifications. We continue to ask that if you are feeling unwell, please stay home. If you have other questions, please contact our office, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm, at (216) 831-8601.
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