Voice Recognition

Driver's Education Classes

We have partnered with Overbeke School of Driving to offer Drivers Education Courses. Our teen driver's education classes prepare students to pass state licensing requirements by providing them with the knowledge and skills to become safe drivers. Overbeke School of Driving serves beginning drivers throughout the East Side suburbs. Our highly-qualified instructors nurture new drivers as they progress from the classroom to the open road. Consequently, our students boast one of the highest first-time pass rates in the state of Ohio. While preparing to become a licensed driver, your teenager will experience 24 hours of in-classroom drivers education classes paired with 8 hours of behind the wheel driving. These lessons satisfy the State of Ohio's requirements for driver's education for drivers under age 18. Per state law, teens can begin in-class lessons when they are 15.5 years old. Participants will also need to pay a one time gas charge to their instructor for their behind the wheel driving portion of the program. Register here: https://orangerec.ce.eleyo.com/course/5262/spring-summer-2023/drivers-education

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